

翻开电话簿, 看见你的电话号码,
我找不到话题, 你会愿意寻找话题吗?

我需要人陪, 需要拥抱, 哪里有?
我孤单寂寞 怎么办?

一年前的我 还真的会好像上面写的那样
现在的我 真的好像完全失去知觉
每天6时半起床 上班 然后 下班 回家晚饭 休息 电视 睡觉
这样枯燥乏味的生活 连我自己也被影响了
除了埋怨 投诉 工作上的问题

我就连一个单身的人 应该有的寂寞 也没有感受到
只不过枯燥的生活 掩盖了一切

依然寻找着 不! 不是寻找!
是等待! 我不会主动 因为不懂 也不敢
某些程度上 觉得还不是时候
算了 时机过了
就安慰自己 以后还会有另一个~

这几个月来 我开始不认识自己了
哎 习惯就好 反正我这个人 每过一段时期就会结甬
就是蜕变那么多次 好像都没有改变到~
不过换皮 不换实 ~ 哈哈


希望晚上睡觉 有个人在身边陪我谈天到入睡
希望我无论想要做些什么 都肯定有个人陪
希望我睁开眼睛 伸懒腰时 会感觉需要特别用力 因为用来踢开身边的某某人
也希望晚上睡觉翻身 可以抱到某个人 而不再只是枕头
希望我面对难题 懦弱时 有个人能够让我依靠
希望有个人能够让我毫无保留的 表现最真的自己
我大男人时 任由我大男人
我懦弱 面对失败时 静静不出声 坐在我身旁陪着我


我要求很多哦? 哈哈
算了 自己一个人吧

我是个长了翅膀 只懂飞翔 不懂降落的老鹰
或许有一天 我学会了降落 我会知道感情路 应该怎么规划 应该怎么走

该留 该走 该热爱 该放弃
很多时候 …….


Deal with HACCP

I am busy working on the HACCP review these weeks. Gone through a series of discussion with the manager and also walk around the production plant to verify their current process flow. The company is HACCP certified but I don’t understand why they could get the certification, neither my manager understand why. The HACCP plan certainly, absolutely, needs to be reviewed. 😛

The manager, Ms Ting, is a newbie in the company, she was from Nestle. 🙂 We worked together on the HACCP Review and she gives me lot of opportunities to learn and she also share with me a lot of quality system reading materials, which would benefits me for future career.

What is HACCP? Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point.



天刚下过雨 却没有很漫长
心楸着 担心之后到澳洲的日子 家里头怎么办? *闷*

发生事情 那谁来解决?
烦 真的很想开口跟二弟说

很明显的 这样就代表二弟将要留下
可是我又希望他把握机会 去见识一番
而我? 倘若我不去 母亲更加不会让二弟独自一个人去
我啊我 少件烦恼行不行?

天苍苍 夜漫长 仰问 何日拨开云雾见青天?

航班日期又出现了失误 好郁闷 难道又要白白的亏多三百零吉?
懊恼当初计算错误! ~

我也很幸运的在这段时间里 在GAB实习 哈哈 获得了和这座许多球会 球员 梦寐以求的奖杯接触以及拍照的机会!

还有还有 这几天在公司里 我又在忙里一项任务 HACCP REVIEW
幸运的 另一个部门的经理对我很好 答应将我挖档 让我可以一方面协助她 另一方面让我接触公司的HACCP Plan
真的有糟糕到 我想吐 ~ 难怪他们要REVIEW~

说到这里 要睡觉了 ~ zzzz

不知不觉 有太多说不出的话
不晓得是时间的关系? 还是什么原因?
心里面有好多的话 好多的感觉 不能再以字眼形容
现在的自己 就连想认真把文章写好的时间都没有
很多时候 字打了出来 又被擦了

太多的话 想说 却 不知 如何 说出口~

The project

It was few days ago when I got informed that the project is approaching completion. I think nobody would actually tell me anything about its progress if I didn’t question on it. Yes, that’s the project I mentioned months ago, laboratory instrumental maintenance.

Well, I done it a month ago, and for the whole month after that, neither my supervisor nor manager came to tell me about the project. It seems they didn’t care about it at all. I knew they were busy hence they couldn’t have started to work on it. Well, I handed over my stuff, so I think that’s all I can do. However, I was still wondering what they thought about the work that I done. Did they satisfy with it? Is there any comment from them, either good or bad?

Sigh, I heard nothing. 😦

Until the moment I asked my supervisor, “Hey, so how’s my project? Is everything alright?”

Then I got the reply, finally. He said yes, he just discussed with manager last Tuesday (2 days ago). He stopped there without explained much. Then I said, is everything okay? I told him I was worried if anything that I need to change, please keep me informed earlier, and not last-minute.

He continued and said: “Oh, everything is ok. Manager and I will propose it in the meeting later, with Brewing Manager.”

Eventually, I heard these sentences from him and that made me felt much relax.

On the other hand, I also felt annoyed by that. I was thinking why they didn’t plan to tell me even a word before I asked them? They were going to propose the project which I completed it all the way alone, without getting me informed. Though I know I am just a trainee, but please, that’s my effort! I am the owner of the proposal! I am the one and only one who actually searching, typing and preparing everything in order to complete them! I don’t need you to praise but I think I at least need to get some respect from you!

And now, the managers involved, both from QPA and Brewing, agreed with the proposed plan. And few hours ago, I was in the office, giving the last strike on the project, compiling it into a folder, and make sure it is well-organized and nicely presented.

They are going to propose it to another meeting, which this time to the Supply Chain Director. Of course, again, that’s my master piece. But nobody would remember that fact.

Though I know there is room of improvement, I still believe the work I done is something need to be appreciated but it seems like they were ignoring my whole effort in doing it. The best word I heard after passed over the folder to my supervisor, he said WOW.

Anyway, this is life. I am just a trainee. Seriously, whether you trust me or not, I am just asking for some respect as a trainee. That’s it! Put it this way, 我只是想要你利用一分钟的时间通知我,让我知道到底我做的那份报告怎样了.

Now, regardless of anything, the project is over. Though they didn’t say anything about the work, to me, they were saying no problem, meaning good enough. 🙂 That’s it.

I hate to deal with instruments especially have to read the instruments manual, get to know about the parts of the instruments and how to deal with them. And the instruments don’t talk! You know, but I love talking. 🙂 Haha

Well, put away this topic. Fortunately, I have met good friends there. Without people like them, I guess I might experience the training life-like staying in hell!

Life in Guinness in soon reaches the end. I will soon post an article to give my placement experience a conclusion. 🙂

Ops I am going to print at least 400 pages of words, because 200 pages per report. I am sorry, trees!